The Justin Case Farewell World Tour
Cancer. It’s one of those words that grammatically qualifies as its own sentence. It also can be taken to be a death sentence or a life sentence.
The truth in the 21st century is that it is becoming much less of a death sentence – but for most of us when we hear the word cancer, we can’t help thinking ‘here is a sentence that definitely has an all too sudden full stop’.

Forward: When Cancer comes to call, try to be out.
Cancer. It’s one of those words that grammatically qualifies as its own sentence. It also can be taken to be a death sentence or a

Episode 1: Here we go.. Justin Case is borne! Yes borne!!
So, on my Cancer Avenue; where to start? I guess let’s start in the middle. What to say when someone says that single word to

Episode 2: Justin Case Comes home…
From the moment I woke in the intensive care unit, I was in daily pain of some sort. My nurse would come to my bedside

Episode 3: Justin Case takes off…
Justin Case takes off… Despite birthing Justin Case in Christmas 2016, it took me until Christmas 2018 before I planned the bare bones of the

Episode 4: Are they putting a roof on Stonehenge?
Surviving cancer does something strange to you. I think the most surprising thing for me was the guilt. It’s not conscious guilt, but it sits

Episode 5: Not all superheroes wear capes
One of the major reasons for the August timing of my visit to England was a school reunion. My two best friends live in America

Episode 6: Land’s End and Beyond
As I said earlier, there is something special in the air in England that holds it apart from anywhere else I have ever been. There

Episode 7: Gone Fishing
The following day I was going to Wembley Stadium, the spiritual home of English football and debatably the whole world of football. But Wembley was

Episode 8: Going Underground
On day three I made my way to North London, where I later stayed the night in a very unremarkable bed and breakfast. At least

Episode 9: Wembley: The most dangerous place on Earth
It is important to develop a love of something when you are a child. Something that will help you through the mindless childhood hours that

Episode 10: Shakespeare and the Merchant of Menace.
For the past four months I have struggled with the worth of finishing my blog about my bucket list trip. On reflection, it just seems